Suche nach Stellenangeboten KRONOSPAN

Product Certification and Laboratory Manager (Riga, Latvia) M/F

Vacancy details

General information



Position description

Job title

Product Certification and Laboratory Manager (Riga, Latvia) M/F

Contract type


About us

We are a world leading manufacturer of wood based panels with a 125 years history of success with over 50 plants across the globe. We have a strong record of continuous growth and currently we are realizing new projects in production, logistics and services for the market. Our aim is to expand domestic and export market offering our latest developments in product portfolio. In order to do that we are looking to bring onboard a team of highly capable managers and specialists. Our candidates should have passion for what they do, and strong ambition to achieve the highest level of work performance.

Main duties and responsibilities

- Oversee laboratory operations in compliance with product certifications and EN standards, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and reliability in testing procedures.
- Maintain existing product certifications (document management, regular audits) and obtain new certifications, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement and regulatory excellence.
- Work with EN standards and CE marking, playing a crucial role in maintaining the company's competitive edge in the European market.
- Analyze product quality with a keen eye for detail, driving the development of superior products.
- Collaborate with production managers to resolve defects efficiently, fostering a culture of quality and innovation.


- Higher technical education.
- Fluent Latvian and English.
- Higher education in chemistry or materials science, showcasing a strong foundation in scientific principles.
- Precision and high sense of responsibility, essential traits for maintaining rigorous standards.
- Computer skills: MS Office, databases, enabling efficient and accurate data management.
- Experience with physical and mechanical property testing methods is preferred, underscoring expertise in quality assessment and control.

What we offer

• Monthly base salary for this position is 2500-2700 EUR gross. The final offer will depend on your qualifications, competencies, and professional experience.
• Challenging position within a multinational organization.
• Broad experience and professional development.

Please, pay attention to the fact, that we are located in Bolderaja region.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please send us your resume to
We are thrilled to meet you!
We will contact the candidates who will be invited for a job interview.

Darba apraksts
Laboratorijas uzraudzība saskaņā ar produktu sertifikātiem un EN normām.
Esošo produkcijas sertifikātu uzturēšana (dokumentācijas vadība, regulārie auditi), jaunu sertifikātu iegūšana.
Darbs ar EN standartiem un CE marķējumu.
Produkcijas kvalitātes analīze.
Defektu novēršana sadarbībā ar ražošanas vadītājiem.

Prasības kandidātiem
Augstākā izglītība ķīmijas vai materiālzinātnes jomās.
Precizitāte un augsta atbildības sajūta.
Iemaņas darbā ar datoru: MS Office, datubāzes.
Vēlama pieredze darbā ar fizikāli mehānisko īpašību testēšanas metodēm.

Uzņēmums piedāvā
Starptautisku un sakārtotu darba vidi.
Mācības kvalifikācijas paaugstināšanai.
Stabilu atalgojumu un sociālās garantijas.